what if kiersonconsulting services

…Every staff person in your organization owned their job completely and knew exactly what was expected of them as well as precisely what their goals were for the year?

…Your leadership team was truly aligned – aligned with a vision that was very compelling, with the direction the team was moving toward, with the key initiatives for this year – and committed to sustaining that alignment over time?

Execution was a core competence, and execution mastery was what your organization’s culture was based on, and you had a never ending continuously improving momentum that had you performing better and better year after year?

…You, the senior executive, had someone from the outside who you could trust to be straight with you, and who was a proven world-class CEO confidant and a mentor, a coach, a consultant, a teacher, a champion for you and your vision, and a friend?  Someone who had many years of experience at all levels of business and working with many other CEOs and senior executives, with a unique approach to leadership that was in the context of the fulfillment of a compelling vision?

…You could handle stress better in your life, had more peace of mind, could be more of your authentic executive self, and were as a result a more successful leader?

…You went over each of the above questions, one by one, and asked yourself seriously – no kidding, what if?!

KiersonConsulting—A new breed of consulting, coaching, advising




Business people and leaders in every type of organization have long been “consultant-weary” and are becoming “coach-weary” as well.

If you are looking for someone who has all of the answers, we are not for you.  We may have some of the answers. Our approach is to give you what you want and need, to be your personal and organizational champions, to take our years of experience at all levels of the organization and apply what we’ve learned where needed.  We have nothing to sell you except what you want.  We know how to do what we know how to do:  inspire and develop leaders, be trusted advisors, align teams, teach you our execution management system and further you on your journey to execution excellence, and help you be true to yourselves.

We will earn your trust. We honor confidentiality 100%. We will tell you what we think you need to know – gently but straight. We will explore with you the best way to get to where you want to go.



KiersonConsulting consulting & coaching services
  • Change Readiness Assessment

    If you are preparing your organization for change or are considering something challenging, this is a relatively low-cost, low-risk but thorough and very useful assessment whether you go ahead with the considered change or not.

  • Leadership Team Learning

    A series of just-in-time off sites for a team with the over-all accountability for the organizational change

  • Journey to Execution Mastery

    Offers training, consulting support and coaching for organizations who have committed to the mastery of execution. Generally, these are companies who have or want to utilize our execution management system and want to accelerate their learning.

  • Executive Team Alignment Process™

    This is a transformational offering that establishes a leadership group as a real team, committed to fulfilling on a compelling future and understanding the role they play as a team and as individuals in that future

  • Principles of Execution

    For managers at all levels to help the organization be successful in its change effort while developing capability

  • Engaging the Stakeholders

    Support and guidance in establishing mechanisms for sustainably increasing the engagement of the employees and other stakeholders READ MORE

  • Leadership and Executive Coaching

    Coaching in the context of significant organizational change or simply one-on-one coaching for the further development of executives and other leaders

  • Execution Management System

    We use the Keyne Insight Execution Management System, which has a software component, with execution-oriented coaching which creates a sustainable process for managing execution that over time leads to mastery of implementation

  • Organizational Transformation Around Value Creation

    We apply any of the above services to organizations who see the benefit of Value Creation as the key to building an organization that delivers what it is there to accomplish. We work in partnership with experienced CEOs and CFOs in order to add a more learned approach to this unique offering READ MORE


Some of Our Clients Past and Present

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