execution mastery


You are committed to achieving something exceptional in the future for your organization and you know you are going to need help, we offer a number of ways we could help, any of which can be done separately:

Leadership and Executive Coaching

Leadership and Executive Coaching in the context of significant organizational change or simply for the further development of executives and leaders

Leadership Team Learning

Leadership Team Learning in a series of just-in-time off sites for a team with the over-all accountability for the organizational change effort

The Principles of Execution

The Principles of Execution for managers at all levels to help the organization be successful in its change effort while developing capability for change

An Execution Management System

An Execution Management System with “execution-oriented” coaching that creates a sustainable process for managing execution that over time supports the organization and its individuals to get better and better at execution

The Journey to Execution Mastery

The Journey to Execution Mastery offers training and consulting support and coaching for organizations who have committed to the mastery of execution.  Generally, these are companies who have utilized the execution management system for more than a year and want to continue to accelerate their learning.

Engaging the Stakeholders

Engaging the Stakeholders is support and guidance in establishing mechanisms for sustainably increasing the engagement of the employees and other stakeholders.

The Journey to Execution Mastery

Execution Mastery- What, Why and How We Can Help You Achieve It

To Address the WHAT, Here is How We Define Execution Mastery:

The Organizational Definition:


    1. As an organization, you keep on stretching yourselves and get better and better at achieving your stretch targets, year after year.  It’s never 100%, because you know if that happened you did not stretch yourselves enough. Before you go on to #2, think about what the above means.  What more could you want out of an organization?
    2. People line up to work in your company, not because you pay more money or offer more benefits (maybe you do and maybe you don’t), but because they know that to work there means they will be constantly challenged to grow and develop, and this excites them.   Think about what that means about the people who end up working there.
    3. When you tell the shareholders or the board at the beginning of your year what you are going to accomplish, they know there is a very good likelihood that you will; and in instances in which it isn’t accomplished, they have the confidence that in the next year you will.  Think about what that means to the shareholders or the board.


The Individual Definition:

  1. You can be counted on to do what you said you were going to do when you said you were going to do it.
  2. You are not waiting for things to normalize or slow down.  You relish working in an environment of challenge and personal growth.
  3. You are not driven to accomplish what you set out to do by working harder; rather working smarter.     Smarter   in this context means  by being innovative.

What is Mastery?

Mastery    is a journey without end-no master of anything stops learning.   The mastery of execution requires these elements:

  • The recognition that although you have been executing all of your career, and probably relatively well, there is a big difference between where you are and where you possibly could be.
  • Your willingness to practice, and practice some more, and keep on practicing those things that will move you forward.  The good news is, unlike learning a musical instrument or a martial art, practicing to get better at execution is done while you are at work.  It takes no extra time, and as you get better and better, so do the results!
  • You have a process and a system that will help you get there, as well as a teacher/coach/consultant/mentor.
  • Your willingness to begin.  Very few people begin on a mastery path with the commitment to be a master.  They begin by saying they’d like to learn something, or they’d like to play an instrument, or they’d like to be more adept at defending themselves.  As they begin to learn, they will continue as long as they want to keep on getting better.  At some point, they may commit to continue on the journey.

The Why is Very Simple:

Everything you do at work takes execution.  Implementing strategy takes execution.  Doing the day-to-day work takes execution.  Managing takes execution.  If you get better at executing, you get better at everything work entails.

If your organization already stretches every year to accomplish what it doesn’t know how to accomplish until it makes that commitment to do so, and then, more often than not, reaches it goals, then you may not be motivated to take on improving execution.

If you are satisfied with your organizational performance year after year, you definitely have no need to learn to get better at execution.

If you don’t want to change or don’t want to get better, that’s your prerogative, you will not need to learn to get better at execution.

Take heed:  the Age of Execution is upon us!  Globally, all the signs are there. Leaders of organizations are waking up to the reality that what you do at work is execute.

How Can We Help You?

If you lead an organization of any size, call or email Miles Kierson and tell him that you are interested.  Perhaps you just want to grow your organization faster, or you want to gain market share, or you just know you could be better at what you do.  This is a no-obligation confidential conversation, and we ask that you be as open as you can.

Generally, here’s how we work to help companies begin to get better at execution:

  • We do a short, informal evaluation that will lead us to know where to start for you to get the most benefit and to build the strongest foundation for your success.  This will lead to our proposing a plan for how we will work with your organization.
  • It is very likely that we will set you up on an execution management system.  We use the Keyne Insight Execution Management System which has a software component.  There is a process for rolling this system out, which includes a period with just our working with you/the senior executive.
  • When you are ready, we roll this out to your leadership team ans support them in learning to use the system.  When they are ready, we go on from there.

This is a high-value, low-risk approach that brings extraordinary value to the client organization every time.  Because of the unique system, this is not a consultant-intensive intervention; it is a learning process for you and your team that we facilitate and coach.  If you stay with the system through the first year, you will want to continue to work with it in the future.  If your appetite for execution mastery is strong, we have ongoing support programs that will speed up your journey.


execution mastery